KD’s First Livestream! | Kevin Durant – YouTube

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I’ve been discussing in deep detail the type of marketing that would have to be done in order to recover Basketball footwear sales.

If Basketball Sales Are Dead Why Is The Kyrie Selling?

In the article above I ended it by stating, “If the marketing hits the kids where they are, the “trend” shifts.” Kevin Durant had all but abandoned social media. It’s interesting that not one analyst has considered this effect on his footwear sales. I do realize that the increase in costs and poor design was primarily the problem, but as I’ve stated before in order for brands to begin selling footwear again, the marketing of the athletes has to feel more genuine and authentic.

The market will have to begin to see the way these guys roll off the court. As we begin to see Kevin Durant the person, businessman and off the court player, his footwear sales will improve because there will be an emotional element. For the record in this video the Nike logo is prominent on his shirt and shoes although they aren’t KD Signature, we can see that he is consistent in his brand loyalty.

The video is in depth. We do get a look at his crib and his dog and honestly that type of insight is gold. Nice job KD. Check out the video below.


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