Reebok’s Awkward Pivot Displays a Lack of Direction | Marketing

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Artist Felipe Pantone has an undeniable passion for his work. This intensity can be felt as he speaks and can be seen in his art, even though he remains hidden.

Source: Artist Remains Hidden so His Art Can be Seen

The Question no longer sells. My favorite Reebok of all time sits when it releases because Reebok is a brand in constant flux. The dive into fitness with Crossfit was as rough as could be and wasn’t natural. It was a purchased audience and purchased audiences aren’t really there because they love you… they are there like Marshawn Lynch:

Reebok is currently in the midst of a new campaign featuring artists and innovators as brand ambassadors. The campaign is called “Always Classic”. I discussed the issues with this campaign in this post:

Reebok’s ‘Always Classic’ Campaign Aims For The Deceptive Power of Celebrity Influence | Marketing

In this article I explain that influence is not an easy road to travel. This was the case when Kendrick Lamar jumped ship from Reebok to Nike. While a brand has to be connected to “cool or sports” doing so is often inauthentic and that is easily seen by the people who follow those influencers. I visited Reebok’s blog today to look at the homepage and it is easily one of the most conflicted delivery of content I’ve seen. The first post is fitness, the second and third are “Always Classic” posts on graf artists. The next few posts are all over the place. I get it. A blog discusses everything a brand is involved in. Unfortunately it also exposes the brand when that brand doesn’t truly have a direction that is built through consistency and dedication to a goal. Everything Reebok does looks like marketing and that’s not how good marketing works. A great marketing program doesn’t look like it’s marketing. It feels like information that is being delivered because it’s important and desired by the people watching.

I can’t say whether the marketing of the brand is working. As a part of adidas the numbers aren’t always up front and available in the quarterly reports. What I do know is that I led this article off with a picture and video of the graf artists Pantone and I didn’t really address his representation of the brand. I basically glossed over how this part of the campaign affects me… and that’s because it doesn’t and honestly that’s the problem.

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