The Bay Area apparel company returns with a new Navy Stripe Sweater, Zip Up Hoodie and Polo Shirt. Check out the photos below.
The last thing I want to say about Rockridge is that they are Black-owned, although I said it first. We aren’t at a point where we can overlook this fact as Rockridge is one of the few startups in the apparel area, making fashion as opposed to streetwear. This is not to diminish some of my favorite new companies like Bricks & Wood, or Rough Feathers, but the immediate thought of both of those is casual fashion to rock with sneakers. Rockridge is created traditional staples, the company just so happens to be Black owned. Does this give me a bit of pride in sharing them? Of course it does. When the perception of the people is always a battle, even when others don’t see it, to watch the growth of a brand through all of the difficult aspects of launching a business is fuel to the fire. Enough of that, check out the latest additions to the collection by Rockridge (I do want the brand to go with a smaller label on the inside of the shirt. I’m not a tee under my clothes person… which is probably in the minority of most men, lol).