Get To Know: carlitta durand

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It seems that more often than not, I end up buying and supporting music by the Foreign Exchange family. I mean look through these Get To Know features and you find Zo!, FE+, and Jeanne Jolly.

I guess it kind of all boils down to supporting independent artists. Actually, it all boils down to great music. With the ability to record, there is music all over the place. That doesn’t mean that it’s good. I’m at the point now where I am attempting to buy (NOTE I SAID BUY! Stop downloading and riding around listening only to SoundCloud and Spotify and buy some shit) good music at least 1 album a week or at least every two weeks.

It helps when you follow a lot of music artists on Facebook (shout out Nicolay for sharing this release today). Carlitta Durand is dope. I don’t want to spend a bunch of time getting into bios and all of that, so make sure you visit her site, peep her videos, and follow her on Twitter. Oh, watch this video from her new releaseFind A Way, and then click this link and buy I’ll Be Gorgeous When I Die with one click from Amazon or hit her site and support her directly. Get To Know Carlitta Durand like I am right now while doing my Sunday cleaning.

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