Antepes Muscle Runner Trainers Work: 30 Day Follow-Up

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I’ve had the Antepes Muscle Runner Training sneaker for over 30 days. I’ve done track workouts, ran stairs, done plyometric workouts and the sneaker doesn’t have any foam compression and the reinforced knit upper is still tight.
The trainers really do help to target the quick twitch fibers and muscles associated with the explosive aspects of sport. The wide forefoot platform and the carbon fiber plate force the foot to actively remain in a forefoot striking position. In a traditional sneaker staying on the balls of the feet becomes a battle to not run on your toes. Here the placement of the outsole takes care of that issue.
For athletes with weaker ankles there will be at least a two-week adjustment as the ankles will definitely feel the pressure. Athletes will have to build up to jogging with the sneaker. Calf raises, plyo box step ups and jumprope will help with the process of using the sneakers. This isn’t really a con, it’s just an adjustment.
Sizing: True to size. I went up to a size 13.5 and I didn’t need to. If this was a 13, I wouldn’t have had as much heel slip and added tension around my ankle.
Would I buy again?
Definitely, but the sneaker is so well constructed, they won’t wear out quickly unless they are worn on sidewalks/pavement.

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