ARCH x Kickstarter Project

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thanksThe project will officially fund in 45 minutes, but I wanted to get a jump on everything by creating a backers page: ARCH x Kickstarter, that gives the proper honor to those who have helped to resuscitate the brand.

I was going to do an in depth report about how the funding took place, but I will be honest, Kickstarter does such a thorough job of showing where traffic is coming from, that I simply have to cut and paste the information in below. All I have to do is tell you that I actually paid for a service from Ayudos (59.99). They shared tweets on a daily basis for the project. How effective was this? I can’t really say, but by the numbers below it wasn’t huge, but who knows how many people visited the page due to those tweets?

I also ran two separate Facebook Ads (100.00 total). I actually had one supporter who said he discovered the site directly from that ad and another that also reported this. Those two people alone accounted for 400.00 dollars of the funded amount. This is actually counter to many of the reports I’ve written about Facebook and actually leads me to believe that a targeted campaign that isn’t intended to get Facebook likes, is more effective than I thought. This actually helps me for building a strategy in the future. The rest of the support is shown and Kickstarter is the most important link in getting funded which is important for any of you thinking of running your project. You really need to put in the groundwork getting people interested because if your project does incredible numbers on day one, it becomes a project that is more likely to be discovered on the home page of Kickstarter. During the campaign I had two people cancel funding which took away 250 and 200 dollars, and one person lower funding from 120 to 30. I also had two people increase their funding.

The project was consuming. I thought about the project everyday and checked on it constantly. The outcome is positive, but it took me almost 25 days to stop comparing my project to other footwear companies that funded. My next step is to begin working on everything once the funding transfers. That should be in another week. I will do an update on Kickstarter every week until I ship to the backers. I will also keep a picture journal of every step here on the site. Below are the statistics from the project. I hope this helps many of you who visit the site for information in deciding what your next step will be. As always ask any questions and I will respond accordingly.

Thank you all for believing in me. I promise I won’t let you down.

Stay Motivated

Chris B.


via Kickstarter: 36%
via External: 64%

Pledged via Kickstarter


Pledged via external referrers


Average pledge amount

Facebook External 18 36.71

Direct traffic (no referrer information) External 8 14.54

Advanced Discovery Kickstarter 3 9.00

Fashion (Discover) Kickstarter 3 8.13

Search Kickstarter 3 5.08

Home location Kickstarter 2 6.67

$230 External 2 0.41

Starred Kickstarter 1 2.03

Memphis, TN (Discover) Kickstarter 1 2.03

48-hour reminder email Kickstarter 1 0.03

Embedded widget External 1 5.80

Recently Launched (Discover) Kickstarter 1 3.48

Twitter External 1 0.29

$10 External 1 5.80


2 thoughts on “ARCH x Kickstarter Project

  1. Congratulations on the success of your crowd funding campaign Chris! I’m sure your analysis will help others.

    I attended a seminar given by a company that runs crowd funding campaigns for others. They recommended that people raise 1/3 of their goal before a campaign is kicked off. Which supports your observation about the importance of doing big number of day one.

    1. You know what I forgot to stress is the fact that your first day dictates your “Discovery” funding. If your first day total is above 20% (I’m not firm on this number) of your total, then the page will be featured on the homepage of Kickstarter. What I’ve noticed increasingly is that there is some form of celebrity involved in really big campaigns. In other words, recognition and celebrity is a bigger indicator of who funds than the actual product in many instances. But isn’t that the way it is with everything?

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