BodegaVision Put the Vans UltraRange to the Test

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The Vans UltraRange releases Saturday May 20th, online at 10am on and in-store at 11am at Bodega.

Source: BodegaVision: Vans UltraRange

There are shops that are falling short (my shop, lol) and then there are shops that have everything in order when they receive a collection. Bodega is one of the dopest shops in the world. The amount of time they place into content creation for the brands isn’t in collaboration with the brands.


The shop takes the time to actually test the models they are carrying and when they test the kicks or apparel they tend to create some of the dopest spreads for that brand. This is excellent for the shop as it creates a narrative around the collection and the pictures and layout inspires visits to the shop.


Instead of the same old, clean, marketing pictures what we get to check out is a lifestyle photo shoot placing the footwear and apparel into real world situations. The result is a photographic journey that inspires interaction. This BodegaVision featured the most athletic looking Vans that has been dropped, the Vans UltraRange. You can use the source link to check out more on Bodega’s site.

If you are looking for the shoes and you can’t visit the Bodega, then here is a link to a few pair on the Bay.


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