Dope S–t I Like: Precious Metal – Art with the Air Jordan XI.

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Air Jordan XI, one of the most iconic sneakers, is celebrated by artist Matt Senna. Senna talks why this sneaker is special to him, and showcases his art.

Source: Precious Metal – Art with the Air Jordan XI.

My entire purpose for running this site is to engage with the older sneakerhead. In doing so I get to post things that would be additions to a man cave since the older sneakerhead crowd tends to have an interest in art and decorating their homes. I’m not saying that younger guys don’t appreciate art, I’m just saying that when something is dope, it doesn’t go on a list of things to consume and throw away. We look at the sneaker culture as a part of Hip-Hop and being able to have ownership of artwork that reflects our love of the culture is akin to those of us who still have a box full of cassettes in the closet, or a throwback poster of Dr. J dunking in Converse Pro Leathers.

Air.Jordan.Com just posted this sculpture by Matt Senna and it’s definitely dope. It’s obviously in honor of the upcoming Space Jam release, but the use of bronze is timeless and if it could be mass produced I could see entire walls dedicated to these treasures. Number and give these reproductions provenance and it could definitely be a new market for collectors to dive into. If you want to see more sneaker art, click the Dope S–t I Like link above, but for right now visit this source link for more pics of the XI by Matt Senna

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