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I’ve been writing about basketball and performance footwear sales for years. Recently, I’ve begun to move from inside of my sneaker culture box to examine footwear with a wider scope. I once operated one of the best performing Seller Central Marketplace stores on Amazon. The store had a perfect 5 star rating for my entire time of operation. I’m well versed in how sneaker sales happen on Amazon. I always knew about counterfeits on Amazon and eBay, but all of this time I overlooked an aspect of Amazon’s reach.
In this video I discuss a brand called Wetike. I’m not trying to bring attention to the brand. I’m trying to show how Amazon is proudly allowing a company to take IP and R&D to deliver a product to its massive consumer base. I’m sure others have long understood this issue, and I’ve known about it. I even wrote about it on a smaller scale in my first book, but today it just kind of hit different.