Originally posted on Housakicks
Nike did unleash the uptempo dragon with the countless iterations of the shoes they’ve come up with. A few days ago, I found out about the NYC uptempo which is part of the city inspired collection Nike has concocted. I think the whole idea is absurd but the brand was smart enough to make the pack limited. Well the bootleggers are paralleling Nike and they’ve come up with their own city inspired uptempo shoe, the Cleveland uptempo. I don’t think that is what they are dubbed but the shoes are dressed in the Cavaliers jersey uniforms.
I said earlier last week that bootleggers had infiltrated every possible social media outlets and the picture you see above proves my point. They are aware of this idea of uniqueness and abstraction and are creating their own breed of exclusive sneakers. And honestly , I’m amazed at their attention to details and the speed witch which the sneakers are manufactured. Hopefully Nike wil stop putting out mediocre work to stop the bleeding, but I don’t think it can be stopped.

As I was writing this post, I came across another pair of uptempos from the same seller modeled after the Virgin Abloh’s off white collection, see the pictures below.