NOBULL is Quietly Growing via the Niche Sports of Golf and Swimming 

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Source: Golf 

Scott Stallings is featured in NOBULL’s latest campaign. This is intriguing as the golfer has chosen a non-traditional partner working with the squad at Just the Horns. NOBULL entered the marketplace with a focus on Crossfit and Fitness. The team made a direct line towards Reebok and the result has been very good. Utilizing a combination of well crafted photography and a digital strategy using ads targeting those interested in fitness. The strategy has produced considerable results over the last six months as the brand grew from 690,000 unique visits per month to 1.2 Million visits a month in March.

blankNow that the brand is garnering considerable search traffic and direct traffic, the company has made it a point to capture lightning in the niche with Swimming as well. They have aligned with gold medalist Caeleb Dressel in a video campaign launched 5 days ago. In support of this campaign they are running ads on social for their new line of swimwear. Why is this a business talk topic?

I’ve stated continuously that sport allows a brand to maintain a constant narrative with the consumer. NOBULL didn’t look to capitalize or cheat their way into fashion. The brand began its journey looking towards a small sport, and they haven’t turned from that strategy while rolling into two new segments. At any point Nike can direct its attention to a sport or a lifestyle demographic and outspend anyone there. In order to have any real chance at capturing an audience, producing a product that doesn’t have a defined and clear message of the benefits for that audience, leaves a brand floating in the finicky waters of fashion. Sport endures, and NOBULL is right on the cusp of becoming a well known player not just in the niche, but in the mainstream.


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