Christopher D. Burns


    Updated September 19th, 2020 ARCH is always shifting. I no longer operate ARCH as a footwear company and the last four years have been a whirlwind of discovery and experiences, both challenging and satisfying. The site has become a source of information and entertainment and my work in business consulting and analysis has grown considerably….

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      arch Online Shop | Since 2009


      Welcome to the arch Shop The arch Shop features researched reports, analysis and books to assist businesses in making better decisions when considering working in the sneaker industry. Papers are built on in-store visits, data sets from Amazon, eBay and StockX and actual sales data from arch e-commerce. The shop also includes a curated selection…

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        Who Runs the Online Shop?


        Chris Burns is the Founder of ARCH-USA. Chris authenticates all footwear for the online shop. With almost 1000 authentic verification videos and after running two successful third-party stores on Amazon and on StockX, Chris is bringing those same deals to visitors to ARCH Online Shop. All orders placed through the online shop are currently fulfilled…

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          about arch


          If you landed on this page via the donation button, thanks for keeping quality content rolling. If you didn’t donate, check out info on me and this site below. Christopher D. Burns, MFA (Founder/Owner of ARCH & ARCH Consultation) ARCH (art + research, culture-hype) provides visitors with an experience built around business discussions and analysis,…

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