People who create social movements and push culture forward know that it doesn’t come easily. In 2016 Saucony Originals started the Originators Only project, which features a diverse group of 10 creators (also known as Originators) from the digital sneaker community. Each of these unique individuals uses sneakers
Source: Originators Only
On the first go around I gave Saucony an analysis as opposed to just discussing the drop based on style. My discussion was about Influencers and marketing vs whether the shoes were dope. This time I will say up front so people will know, I think Saucony is dope. I think the Originators sneakers are dope… my issue was with the fact that there probably isn’t any evidence of the creators actually owning Saucony as the majority of them are Nike heads, but I digress. As much as I hate to do it, I can show you a picture of me rocking Saucony in the 90s. Don’t laugh…

Now that we have that out of the way, let’s get to round 2 of the drops from the Originators. The pics are in order of the listing below. I won’t discuss marketing or whether they should be flipped here, just admire the quality. That’s really what’s important. At 120.00 a pair, at a time when everyone is delivering lightweight, knit models, these are premium constructed joints that are 1 of 100. How often does that happen?
Drop 2 of the Originators Only Collection features the collaborations of @HesKicks, @RealDJDelz, @Bull1trc, @MrFoamerSimpson & @EddieWinKicks. Each silhouette will retail at $120 and will release exclusively at on August 25th at 12pm EST. Each Originators silhouette is limited to 100 pairs, sizes available will be Men’s 8-12,13 & 14. Follow @SauconyOriginals on Instagram, @SauconyOrigs on Twitter or opt-in to emails to be notified as soon as it launches. Check out #OriginatorsOnly tag on Social for more on the collection.