Source: Nike Air Foamposite Pro ‘Black & White’ 2016. Nike+ SNKRS
Dr. Doom, aka Viktor aka Metal Face (Shout out MF Doom) was green and silver basically so why these are called Dr. Doom has eluded me since the mid 2000’s. Since the community named it, that’s what it is. I guess the pack was supposed to represent the Fantastic Four, but I still don’t get it. Either way when these dropped in ’06 I was deep into my label Sho-Shot and couldn’t pick up anything else. I do remember it being limited, but I also remember nothing really sold out very fast. The DMV has always been on Foams, but for the rest of the country, I live in Memphis, I used to be able to pick up Foams for wholesale because they sat… and Penny is from here. With all of the hype this week the question that everyone is trying to figure out is besides the Yeezys which shoe will ‘pop’? I haven’t been kind to Jordan Brand, but I’ve been right about the 9 so far and I am pretty sure I’m right about the TB3. What do I think about your chances with the Doom Foam? Let’s get to it.
Since I do 3 checks before my decision I will weight them on a scale of 1-9. The max points on a scale = +3
*** New addition to the rating system: 0-25% = +1 26-55% = +2 56% and up is +3
First check: The Flight Club Check is on deck. FC has the shoe in a full size run. The price is 325.00. The Foam is always a difficult shoe in resale. In particular this is true. I actually ruined my online biz due to the Foam so I’m never really high on it as a shoe to flip. Not even in OG or traditional colorways. The shoe is such a difficult kick to classify and requires a certain style that right now isn’t really on trend. Yeah I got burned in a major way on Foams, but that’s not my bitterness talking it’s the truth. In a retail culture heavy on athleisure the Foam simply doesn’t cater to the style of dress being worn right now. Even in a basic black/white colorway the shoe is on FC at 325.00. That’s a bad sign since I always knock off 50-100 dollars from FC. You will never get the same dollars as that shop. This means that I will stay on the high end knock off 50.00. The FC Check places the Doom Foam at 275.00. If you can get shipping at 15.00 that’s 290.00. Price breakdown to see ROI:
Retail: 230.00 + tax = 245.00
Fees: 13% at a generous 300.00 sold price = 39.00
Shipping Fees: (the weight of the foam and signature) = 15.00
Total cost of the shoe (If you don’t get a discount) = 299.00
Even if you pull off getting 325 for the shoe, unless you got it wholesale, stay away far away based on my FC Check. But let’s say you got lucky and grabbed these at 20% off. 245.00 – 49.00 = 196.00. Now that’s a different story. 196 + 39 + 15 = 250.00. That would be a profit of 50.00. Which isn’t bad at all. 50.00 on a 250.00 purchase is a ROI of 20%. I’m going to hope that you can get a discount and at least give the Dr. Doom a
Rating = +1
Second check: My second check is always on eBay. I’ve said this on the last few SYBTF, eBay stays effing up the game.Team Early is already rolling through the Dr. Doom Foam. As of 11/21/2016, 46 pair of the release have sold. I’m only looking at the most recent pair to gain an average price. Since I’ve done a breakdown above of the pricing of the shoe. Let’s look at the average price:
November 20 = 294.99
November 19 = 284.88
November 19 = 309.99
November 19 =275.00
November 18 = 299.00
Average price: 292.77
Going back to the FC Check I said the average price would be 275.00. I then adjusted the sold price to 300.00. This was a solid prediction and the shoe is right where I thought it would be. This is what’s interesting, the older Foams on FC are at around 3-400 per pair. The only Foams with a high resale now are DBs and Supremes. I stand by my FC Check rating and give my eBay rating a 1 based on ROI.
Rating = +1
Third check: My third check is now a combination of Twitter hype, launch locators and StockX. Instead of giving you links, pictures will carry the weight of my Final Check:

These pictures tell the story of this season. Instead of considering flipping any Nike products simply choose the one you like and buy it for yourself. This is not going to be a strong Nike flipping season. It most definitely is YZY Season though, and adidas season for resale. The trends have shifted and once again, it’s a great time to love sneakers. It’s a bad time for business built on flipping. Unless you can work on paper thin margins, Doom awaits. My rating here is an obvious
Rating = +1
My final ruling: +3 which is below average. This is the outcome of a diverse sneaker market. When you have more than one brand creating dope sneakers the market adjusts and the buyer benefits. I don’t think the consumer is quite aware of what’s happening. This is really the way every market can be. The consumer holds the power. That’s not doom and gloom, that’s refreshing and kind of hopeful; not for resale, but it is what it is.