Nike Vapormax Flyknit 2 Team Red | Authentic Verification
The Vapormax 2 arrives in what looks like a Justin Timberlake “Bai” brasberry color. The shoe features a black base with red infused throughout the upper delivering what looks like dark blue/purple hits. It’s an interesting look for the new form of Air. [ebayfeedsforwordpress feed=”http://rest.ebay.com/epn/v1/find/item.rss?keyword=Nike+Vapormax+Flyknit+2+Team+Red&categoryId1=11450&sortOrder=BestMatch&programid=1&campaignid=5337944803&toolid=10039&customid=vmAax2bai&listingType1=All&feedType=rss&lgeo=1″ items=”5″]