The Irony of Nike’s “Move Like a Mother” in a Post Ollie Gray and Saysh World

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Nike (M)ove Like a Mother Global Program — NIKE, Inc.

What to Know

  • Nike is launching a global maternity training program through NTC, helping invite more pregnant and postpartum people back into sport.

  • The comprehensive, 24-workout training program covers strength training, cardio, mobility and yoga throughout every stage of pregnancy.

  • The program adds to a broad range of Nike products and digital services in support of pregnant people.

Programs meant to empower mothers are always welcomed and should never be taken lightly, but Nike’s encroachment into this territory arrives with an immediate side-eye. While it isn’t well known outside of athlete circles, Nike’s mistreatment of women athletes was documented and covered, but had very little effect on the Swoosh’s continued dominance and growth with women who wear the brand.

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It shouldn’t be overlooked that as Allyson Felix’s track and field career comes to a close and she is ramping up the promotion of her Saysh brand with Athleta, that Nike is launching a campaign around the promotion of health and wellness for women dealing with postpartum and maternity fitness. The launch also coincides with increased coverage for a brand I introduced on the site Ollie Gray. While Nike obviously has the energy, funding and digital presence to completely overshadow Ollie Gray, I’m writing this post because it’s critical that smaller brands who have chosen to build their businesses in support of women be given a voice and an opportunity to thrive.

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In the same fashion that adidas made a conscious decision to partner with Allbirds to develop better sustainable products, I hope that Nike uses their reach to collab with Ollie Gray or to acknowledge Saysh within in their own digital economies. I understand that the Swoosh’s only responsibility is to their shareholders and employees, but in my opinion after Nike had to be forced to adjust their maternal policies for athletes, if no one brings this to the attention of the consumer, then we don’t really have a fair and equitable marketplace. Any additional support of women is welcomed, but not without scrutiny.

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