There has always been an approach to athletics and fitness that disregarded bigger women when the reality is that most women wear a 16 not a 10. America itself is a plus size society, but that doesn’t mean that plus size and overweight people aren’t interested in buying fitness clothes and participating in athletic functions.
Paloma Elesser | Athlete and Style Muse
As a matter of fact often women and men who are “plus” size are often prevented from participating because it’s difficult to find “NOT” Sweatsuits to wear. Quite simply if you want people to become fitness minded give them better options to look better while keeping fit and you automatically increase participation.
Amanda Bingson | Hammer Thrower
Everyone likes to look dope and too little ass sports bras have long been the bane of participation for women. Ill fitting clothes also make you uncomfortable when most of the time you’re already self conscious about getting out there and running or walking. This is a smart move by Nike, but it only makes sense. Nike has long ignored the market to their detriment and this is a start the road of reality as more people look like these sisters than they look like the typical Nike model.