Originally posted on Housakicks
This is one of those comparisons I didn’t want to do because of the complexity of the new breed of fake sneakers. It’s extremely hard to find flaws when the shoes aren’t on hand so it takes an awful lot of time to identify the flaws. The Fake Air Jordan 6 All Star ASW Chameleon I saw were probably one of the best ones in the market ( and I intentionally choose the best fakes so it’s easier to bust the worst ones). I will always remind you of the same thing every time; if the price is too cheap, if the seller claims he has a plug overseas, if the smell of the shoes is really strong ( glue smell), if the craftsmanship is subpar, if the box label looks off then the shoes are probably not legitimate. My comparisons aren’t exhaustive, so study the shoes yourself carefully prior to making your purchase from non retail shops online.

I start off every comparison the same way, which one do you think is fake? pic 1 or pic 2? take about 2 minutes to look at each thoroughly to see if you can identify any flaws. I’m sure most of you will say pic 1 is fake and pic 2 is real- it’s pretty obvious because “pic 2” is the official picture that Jordan Brand published.
Now unto the comparison: Fake Air Jordan 6 All Star ASW Chameleon 907961 015
The color shade is not the same on both pair if you look at the perforated side panels ( the yellow circle shows a darker shade on the authentic pair and a lighter one on the fake one with slightly bigger holes on the fakes as well). On the heel pods/pockets ( see yellow rectangle) the holes appear bigger on the fake pair and smaller on the authentic. The red arrow pointing down shows you how the fake pair’s lining is literally non existent, you don’t see it at all.
The jumpman does not look the same and the lining on the back has a deeper cut on the fake pair ( a little more steep on the fakes, I might be exaggerating but that is what I noticed). Feel free to add any additional details You think I’ve missed.
Look at the contrast in the color shade on the outsole ; the fake pair has a darker purple tint ( see yellow circle) and the black are near the midfoot appears rough and powdery on the fake pair ( which is typical on most fakes). And if you look at heel area the holes on the outsole do not have the same shape.
These guys are hilarious, they have a Canadian suggested retail price on the box with the ” US size” highlighted. You can clearly see the differences in the boxes as well. The fake box has that ashy look on the lid of the box and the label as well.
That’s all I noticed on my end for now , feel free to add any additional details; I’m also going add a few more pictures of the fakes below for your convenience.
Here is a list of authorized retailers and ebay sellers with authentic pairs:
Tayib, just wanted to throw my 2 cents worth in on the retro 6 AS Chameleon. I to purchased two pairs. One from an eBay seller and the other from an authorized online retailer. Received both pairs within one day of each other. With the fake pair, there was a much stronger odor from the manufacturing process. With that being said, even the huge retailers product that I received came with an unusual odor on Jordan’s. I called Nike and a CS Rep informed me that the iridescent paint that they used put off an abnormal odor than most shoes. I must also say this, the fake was probably the best I’d ever seen. After reading your blog and doing my own comparison and study I had to be so careful in not rushing to judgment on the fakes. All I can say is buyer beware. The fakes are getting better and better by the shoe!!!
you are absolutely right, i was actually defeated yesterday when i tried to do the jordan 12 low playoff comparison. they look so much like the authentic pair. We have gotten to the point where people just don;t care anymore, especially when the flaws are so hard to find.
check the article here http://housakicks.com/real-vs-fake-sneakers/fake-air-jordan-12-low-playoff-spotted-got-defeated-one/
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