Ylati Virgilio High and Low Spring ’17 via KITH

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  Ylati releases the initial delivery of their Spring ’17 campaign which includes all-new color schemes of the Virgillio High and Virgillio Low models. A full breakdown of models and their availabilit

Source: Ylati Spring ’17 Delivery 1

Every now and then I remember that I haven’t written about a particular brand on the site and I have to fix that.

Would I rock these? The Virgillio Low from Ylati (Italy spelled backwards) is clean, specifically the tan version.


Handcrafted shoes in Italy are often made of a very soft leather and the insoles are typically made of leather as opposed to dropping you into a traditional foam footbed. The shoes are made to be one part casual and one part fashion. I’m not certain if the Virgilio has the leather footbed, but I definitely give the brand an A+ for keeping a minimalist focus and capturing the clean look that is elegant, but allows for an eye catching pair.


The shoe is inspired by Virgil who drives Dante through the Inferno. Bonus points for the literary allusion. Use the source link to see more pictures on KITH and take a moment to also visit the Ylati website: https://www.ylatifootwear.com/


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