Dope S–t I Like: UGE Radio Native Sun Interview – Universoul Grind Ent

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blankSource: UGE Radio Native Sun Interview – Universoul Grind Ent

So I get an e-mail link from B Meeks ( about an interview on one the bands he is a part of, Native Sun. (I wrote about them on CBP) The link was discussing an interview they had with UGE (Universal Grind Entertainment) . They host a Hip-Hop based Podcast and interviewed Native Sun. I’m sharing this link above to take you to the site for that interview, but I’m writing this because the music in this episode is dope. blank

When you get Skyzoo’s “Money Makes Us Happy” as one of the opening tracks in a podcast, you’re in for a really good show.  Anyway, I won’t write too much here other than the UGE Podcast is worth streaming in the background while you work; so do that.

Oh just on GP turn up this Skyzoo too:


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