#girldads Need to Check out this PUMA and Modibodi® Collection for Periods

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As part of the launch of their new leak-proof underwear collection, global sports company PUMA and leak-proof apparel company Modibodi® have commissioned a global survey that investigated the reason girls are leaving sport; shining a light on the numbers that really matter.

Source: 1 in 2 girls are quitting sport due to periods, according to new global report by PUMA and Modibodi®

There are some things that aren’t easy to discuss for dads. I almost hesitated to write “periods” in the title. Periods are one of those things. When our wives ask us to hit the store to pick up pads, it’s like asking many husbands to go to the store with a nipple out, lol. We act really stupid about things that are natural. I won’t get into the parental aspect of treating natural bodily functions as something taboo, but men act as if talking about periods is a torture technique. I’m a #girldad with a daughter who is turning into an amazing young athlete. As a matter of fact, I’m sharing her middle school championship in this post:

My wife and I never really discussed how to approach her period. We just automatically discussed it out loud to prevent her from feeling shame about her body. I know that when it’s her time of the month, she’s going to have a difficult time with practice. She is also going to feel uncomfortable with her underwear and pads. Often, we will look at her track meet schedule and hope that she doesn’t start before a big event. My wife has prepared her for this by buying different types of panties, but when she’s competing, she wears tights. Wearing two layers of tights can lead to uncomfortable moments. We’ve been doing a combination of things since she started having her period. Obviously, from the video above it’s working, but it is really nice to see Puma adding to the solutions we will look into next season for her freshman year of high school.

Use the source link above to read more about this important collab and share it with the #girlparents in your life.



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