Moving From Ebay: Part 6 Updates and Info

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Okay so someone asked me in person, instead of here on the site, why am I writing about my struggles. They said that most people who are in the same business hope that you struggle instead of identifying with what you are going through. No one thinks what happened to you will ever happen to them. I explained back, that I’m not doing it for them, I’m doing this for people who are looking for information. People go through rough patches all the time and most of them give up. If they can see what I’m doing then maybe they will keep pushing. That is why I keep updating this analysis. When the site begins to move again, then there will be a foundation for workshops and that opens a new door. Enough of that.

Part 6 is more of an analysis of services and updates. I’ve added the Ebid store. It isn’t in anyway comparable to ebay. From April to May I was getting about 30 sells per week. I haven’t had a bite on Ebid yet. I made a fatal flaw when I began to use ebay. I stopped getting out to my local market and making my weekend money which was totalling up to about 1000 per weekend. By cutting off the face to face interactions when I solely depended on Ebay, and they started their bs, I lost two options. Ebid is beginning to get a few views which can be monitored from the dashboard. What I like even more is that the time doesn’t start until the first bid is made. None of the bids have started. I do have a new market spot, but it will take a moment to build that spot up. Which is okay, but I’ve been running on fumes which I hate to do. Since I haven’t really worked a “Real” job since last year, my business is the primary breadwinner and that’s not working very well right now. With business though, all it takes is one thing to click. I have 75 shoes in stock even if I unloaded them all at 50 a pair today that would be a 3750.00 day. Which puts me right back in the game. This is my motivation for the weekend. When it doubt blow that ish out. So here is the update info for small biz peeps. I used Facebook Ads and explained that, not in detail, but I will break it down in another post. I used Google Ads this past week and the results are below. I only paid for 50 dollars advertising. My goal was to generate two sales only. It didn’t work, but here is the break down for traffic on the week. As always, it did improve traffic and I earned Ad revenue (Thanks Adbrite), but the investment was not worth it so I will continue with my local market today to recover. Keep checking back and I will tell you more as I go. Oh and scroll down and buy some kicks.

Below are the results of my one week Google Ads test. I had pretty good traffic. You won’t be able to click the links they go to my private campaign page, but the campaign started with 50.00. You can see the date and the Clicks can be divided to get the average cost of a click. The Facebook Ad is more detailed and I will post that one soon. Here is to a great day (raising glass to you all).

Jul 9 Campaign activity: 1 Clicks 0.30 (49.75)
Jul 10 Campaign activity: 6 Clicks 2.35 (47.40)
Jul 11 Campaign activity: 21 Clicks 9.13 (38.27)
Jul 12 Campaign activity: 13 Clicks 5.99 (32.28)
Jul 13 Campaign activity: 24 Clicks 11.22 (21.06)
Jul 14 Campaign activity: 24 Clicks 11.92 (9.14)
Jul 15 Campaign activity: 19 Clicks 8.97 (0.17)


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