Release date is Nov. 13, 2016 at a retail price of $150.
There was a time when the OG Griffey 1 garnered crazy dollars in the resale market. That time wasn’t very long ago, but times have changed. The Griffey got bastardized by Nike and ended up in Nike Outlets. Until recently when the Hall of Fame dropped, but that’s been about it on the resale front for the Griffey. This wheat version is one in a series of “Wheat” inspired drops and because Nike is getting so liberal with the “Wheat” colorways, they simple aren’t drawing the attention that they did last year. I mean when the Air Force 1 Flax dropped last season it sold for 250-300 per pair. Which was outrageous, but people were ready to drop Timbs for a minute and they still are. Let’s get into the numbers:
Since I do 3 checks before my decision I will weight them on a scale of 1-9. The max points on a scale = +3
*** New addition to the rating system: 0-25% = +1 26-55% = +2 56% and up is +3
First check: The Griffey Wheat is on FC… at retail. Damn that was easy. Like I said, a few years back the Fresh Water would sell for 200/pair. It’s at retail on the 2016 drop also. Collectors should be celebrating, this is one retro that didn’t sell out or pop.
Rating = +1
Second check: The Griffey Wheat is already being sold on eBay. The average price of the first 4 sales: 139.99+118+144.99+149.99= 552.97 552.97/4 = 138.24 Below retail. I haven’t given a 0 in a while and I’ve avoided it, but this time I can’t.
Rating = +0
Third check: My third check is always looking for the hype on a shoe… Let’s ask Bishop Bulwinkle if there is any hype:
Rating = +0
Should you buy to flip?
My total on a scale of 9 is a +1. Go back and push play on the video and let’s keep it moving to the other releases of November to see if there will be a winner for you to pick up.