Nike Sweeps Boston Marathon Top 3, but adidas Won?

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The fastest three men and women, including Oregonians Galen Rupp and Jordan Hasay, wore Nike sneakers across the finish line Monday.

Source: Nike sweeps Boston Marathon podium – Portland Business Journal

Matthew Kish shared this information this afternoon at the close of the Boston Marathon.

Nike completely dominated the medal stand in the event. As both Nike and adidas push for sub 2 hour marathons, the product behind the training for both companies will move front and center with runners and this could transition into more interest in performance footwear; which has been lagging behind in sales when compared to classic/retro footwear categories. Here is the thing however for Nike, as well as they performed today and swept the Boston event, it doesn’t compare to adidas’ sub 2 footwear performance.

Wilson Kipsang Wins the Tokyo Marathon in new sub2 adizero at 2:03:58?

Nike’s best time was 2:09:37 almost a full 5 minutes behind Kipsang in the sub2adizero.

What does this mean for the Swoosh? Is it back to the drawing board?

Boost has been a big reason for the surging adidas brand and the fact that they again have the lead on Nike in the push for 2, is definitely a marketing opportunity. You have to think adidas will find a subversive way to discuss this. I’m keeping my eyes open. Use the source link for more details on the Boston Marathon for 2017.

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