Originally posted on Housakicks
Virgil Abloh and Nike have been teasing us with all types of pictures of their upcoming Off White X Nike JB sneakers. Well sneakerheads aren’t the only one enticed by these pictures, but counterfeiters thrive on limited releases like these. For all I know most sneakers Nike releases are manufactured overseas so the potential for replicas is magnified- blueprints get stolen and as soon as early samples get leaked it’s easy for them to slip through back doors and make their way unto the black market, hence the birth of a massive amount of prototypes/replicas . I just came across a fake pair of the Off White Nike Air Vapormax and I can’t see any apparent flaws on them mainly because I’ve yet to see detailed pictures of the official product. So all I’m doing right now is showing you multiple pictures of the replica pair to warn you.

Well, there you have it, my suggestion is for you to wait and not buy these from any non retailers until the shoes actually drop; or buy from trusted suppliers only
So there is already a Super Quality version…interesting. The first ones are even more off than these with the “AIR” sitting nervously high, way too close to the swoosh vs being lower to the mid as in the authentic and those fakes you’re showing above. They have the other flaws you pointed out and then some and don’t come with any “shoelace” shoelaces etc BUT…and I stress BUT…we are talking about China here.
If these do well there will be a 3rd or 4th version. I’d bet good money on that. The quality now coming out of China is disturbing. Not for me for several reasons but for the many people I know that can’t tell a bad fake to save their lives, much less a Super Quality of some models or worse…a 1:1.
i toally agree with you. I psoted another article a couple of days ago talking about Perfectkicks , a company that prides itself in making 1:1 replica. they have invested a lot of money into acquiring sophisticated machines to manufacture their fakes and they engage the consumer and have built a very strong community around them
check out the article