TH1RT3EN: Tiny Desk (Home) Concert | Ewing Brand Unofficially Shows Up on Marcus Marchado

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Anyone who really knows me, knows that I place Pharoahe Monch in the pantheon of elite emcees who should be in the conversation for GOAT status. I’ve been such a fan, that my admiration rubbed off on my son who now plays guitar, but ranks Pharoahe as his favorite emcee. Over the years of listening to the emcee, I’ve always heard the name Marcus Machado in songs, but I didn’t dig that deeply until now. Partially that’s because my son is embarking on his path of being a guitar player, but also because when I can connect my two favorite pastimes together (music and sneakers) I have to share.

While watching the Tiny Desk Concert for Th1rt3en, while Machado was stomping on a pedal, I saw the Ewing logo emblazoned on the screen for a split moment. That was my opening to share with my audience work from one of the most important supergroups to form in the last few years. The music is social commentary at its finest and will require you to focus. Monch has always delivered a dexterous, dynamic  dialogue to demolish departments of depravity, but add in the drum playing of Daru Jones and the rock elements of Machado’s guitar and the result is message music in a transitional moment for America and the world. There isn’t a more perfect day for an exorcism.

Abby O’Neill of NPR states:

TH1RT3EN, an irreverent and inflammatory new trio conceived by hip-hop star and lyrical savage Pharoahe Monch, has been in the works for five years. Co-conspirators include Daru Jones, a monster on the drums best known for his work with Jack White, and guitar mercenary Marcus Machado. Both the moniker and supergroup were born out of a frustration with the veneer of American society that underestimates the darkness of white supremacy.

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