Women’s World Wednesday – Nubya Garcia

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In the turbulent times of 2020, everyone seems to be looking for a way to protest or speak out; whether it be for equality, representation or justice. While I don’t mean for Women’s World Wednesdays to be political or some self-proclaimed crusade of social justice, I thought it was important to shine a light on women in music. It’s of course easy to talk about the big stars such as Beyonce or Rihanna, but for this series I want to focus on lesser known artists.

This Women’s World spotlight shines on Nubya Garcia.

Nubya Garcia is an incredible jazz saxophonist and composer from the UK. Her tone and control over the instrument is, for lack of a better word, impressive. She easily commands your attention and although her solo sections do feel a little long sometimes, which can cause you to drift away if you’re not paying attention,  but her music is strong. She has apparent inspiration from jazz and reggae, but also captures elements of Latin and other forms of music.  She only has one full length album out, Source. It’s a great album, although it does take an investment to listen to as some of the songs are quite long. She also has several EPs and a few singles for those who listen to their music in digital chunks by streaming. I personally look forward to seeing what direction she decides to take her craft, as foundationally her music is very strong.

Check out her Tiny Desk Concert and website here:



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