On Running’s Non-traditional Marketing is Traditional and Beautiful | Become a Mountain

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The Tony Award-winning choreographer leads us through his enigmatic film, which explores the intersection between athleticism and artistry.

Source: Introducing Become a Mountain: A new film from Justin Peck and On

Admittedly I hadn’t heard of Justin Peck but seeing that he was influenced by Savion Glover connected me to him. In a short film featuring the song “Become a Mountain” by Dan Deacon, Peck choreographs a group of dancers who represent the boroughs of NYC.  “At the end of Become a Mountain, the performers gather, but they all perform different steps. Each move complements the other, creating organized chaos – an oxymoron that reflects life in New York City perfectly. The steps are unrestrained, but inspiring – encapsulating Justin’s choreographic style. Each one tells a story, or as he explains, “When words fail, there’s something that can be felt and expressed through movement. That’s dance as an art form.”




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