
Insider Ties: Verizon And Hearst Team Up to Buy Complex Media | Media – AdAge


Hearst and Verizon have come to an agreement to purchase Complex Media, the digital media brand founded by Marc Ecko in 2002. Source: Verizon And Hearst Team Up to Buy Complex Media | Media – AdAge You may be sensing a theme here. I shared this post a few days ago: When you read it,…

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Insider Ties: Why Is Under Armour’s Biggest Olympic Star Wearing Nike?


Source:’s-biggest-olympic-star-wearing-nike/ar-BBvKVMq There is a long history of Olympics marketing wars. Starting in the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics which were sponsored by Converse, although at the time Reebok was dominating the game and Nike was in the midst of a series of problems that led to a number of layoffs over the next few years, the…

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ARCH January 2013 Monthly Update


I don’t really have any investors in the company anymore. Unlike most startups anyone who loaned me money got every penny back and some of them got more. In other words, ARCH has been a success from the standpoint that it recouped the initial amount of money it took to start the company and that…

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Marketing update from CB Publishing


Instead of writing the marketing report for last month on the ARCH site, I dropped it on my CB Publishing website. If you aren’t familiar with that site, here is a short description: CB Publishing is home to information about entertainment, business and education written by several authors and edited and written by me. I…

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ARCH Interview with PSFK


If you don’t know PSFK is one of the best websites in the world for trends and information that is cutting edge. It is an absolute honor to have been chosen for an interview! That means someone thinks that my little engine that could is worth the time. Thank you to Viki Imrie for choosing…

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